Welcome to your Wake County Democratic Party!

Join us in the fight to ensure Wake County residents and all North Carolinians have a fair shot at a good life, regardless of their background, where they came from, what they’re worth, or who they love.

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GOTV Canvass Weekend, 10/19 – 10/20:

Join Wake Dems for a Get Out The Vote canvass this weekend!

Our Get Out The Vote (GOTV) canvasses help elect Democrats from the back of the ballot to the front! We talk with inconsistent voters who are likely to support Democrats if they vote, remind them of what’s at stake in this election cycle, and help them make a plan to vote.

We’ll provide training, snacks / drinks, and literature, and if it’s your first time, we’ll pair you up with an experienced canvasser! All you have to do is sign up and show up.

Dates not work for you? Check out all the GOTV Canvass Events this Saturday and/or this Sunday!

Phone Bank Opportunities:

Join a Virtual Phone Bank (VPB)

In our GOTV Virtual Phone Banks (VPBs), we join together via Zoom to call voters in Wake County and remind them of the importance of this election and help them make a plan to vote!

We’ll start with 30 minutes of training, then the group will make calls together for 30 minutes, then we’ll circle back up to debrief and share our wins.

We’ll provide you with everything you need to make your calls – all you have to do is sign up and show up!

Dates not work for you? Check out all the GOTV Phone Bank Events here!

Contribute $24 for 2024

24 Dollars per month for 2024 (24 for 24) 

Wake Dems volunteers are the Grassroots Frontline in educating and turning out the voters who will protect democracy in 2024.  Our volunteers invest their time, professional skills, and personal experiences in this important work.

And we need you to invest in them. 

Your 2024 recurring donation of $24 a month will ensure that we can continue to engage, educate, and mobilize our communities through this next election cycle and beyond.  Whether it’s tabling supplies and slate cards for poll greeters, event spaces for our Area Coordinators, or the technology our Executive Council relies on daily for meetings, documents, and email, we need your help supporting our grassroots volunteers.

Giving to Wake Dems isn’t just about making a donation. It’s about making a difference now in the fight to protect democracy beginning in 2024.

More Upcoming Events:

04-01 Welcome New Voters

February 16 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Precinct 04-01 in Central Cary is hosting on Open House for new Democrat voters that registered duri...

Precinct 11-02 Volunteer Gathering

February 16 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Calling all volunteers in Umstead Raleigh’s 11-02 – it’s time to regroup and we need your idea...

Virtual Training: Precinct Annual Meeting Primer

February 16 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Good news! WCDP Precinct Annual Meetings (PAMs) are just around the corner! Join us for this “PAM ...

Defending Democracy: A Call to Action

February 16 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join us for an urgent virtual briefing on the state of the North Carolina Supreme Court race, Republ...

Washington’s Birthday

February 17
Notes: This holiday is designated as “Washington’s Birthday” in section 6103(a) of...