District 13 Convention

Congressional District 13 Convention
Saturday, May 20, 2023

The 2023 Congressional District 13 Convention meets on Saturday, May 20 via Zoom. The meeting starts at 11am. The primary business of this convention is to elect new CD13 Committee Executive Leadership, elect a Plan of Organization Review Committee member, and discuss Resolutions. Delegates duly elected at the Harnett, Johnston, Wake, and Wayne County Conventions will convene to complete business.

RSVP & Pre-Credentialing Form

RSVP is REQUIRED in order to attend the Congressional District Convention.

Observers must must register by 6:00pm on May 18 – no exceptions. Only Democrats registered to vote in NC may be observers.

Delegates must register by 6:00pm on May 19 – no exceptions. Only Democrats duly elected at the County Conventions may be delegates.

Click HERE to access and complete the Pre-Registration Form.

Need help filling out Convention forms or have questions? Call Larry at 919-302-3742. Leave a message including your area code + phone number if there is no answer.

Convention Documents

Click HERE to access the Proposed Agenda.

Click HERE to access the Proposed Rules of the Day.

Click HERE to access the 2022 CD 13 Convention Minutes.

Click the preferred link below to access the CD 13 Resolutions Report.
Resolutions Report.docx
Resolutions Report.pdf

Executive Committee Candidate Info & Declaration Form

To find our more about the various positions, review the linked information. If you are interested in running for any of the open positions, you are advised to complete the pre-declaration form that is provided.

CD 13 Executive Elected Offices: Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, 3rd Vice Chair, and Secretary (Treasurers are now appointed by the Chair)

The CD 13 delegation will also elect one (1) member to serve on the Plan of Organization Review Committee.

Click HERE to review the Duties of District Officers.

Click HERE to review the Duties of the Plan of Organization Review Committee.

Click HERE to pre-declare your intent to run for the open seats. NOTE: This form closes at 6pm on Friday, May 19. No exceptions. Candidates may also declare from the convention floor.

We're excited to keep you up to date on what the Wake County Democrats are doing! Click below to sign up for our bi-weekly updates.

Upcoming Events

04-01 Welcome New Voters

February 16 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Precinct 04-01 in Central Cary is hosting on Open House for new Democrat voters that registered duri...

Precinct 11-02 Volunteer Gathering

February 16 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Calling all volunteers in Umstead Raleigh’s 11-02 – it’s time to regroup and we need your idea...

Virtual Training: Precinct Annual Meeting Primer

February 16 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Good news! WCDP Precinct Annual Meetings (PAMs) are just around the corner! Join us for this “PAM ...

Defending Democracy: A Call to Action

February 16 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join us for an urgent virtual briefing on the state of the North Carolina Supreme Court race, Republ...