
Precinct Information

What are Precincts?

Precincts are the smallest form of organization and the building blocks of the Democratic Party. It’s the area where you and your neighbors share a voting location.

Wake County currently has 212 precincts. That’s the most in North Carolina! Find your precinct using the steps below:

-Follow this link to the NC State Board of Elections Voter Lookup Tool
– Enter your name and click Search
– Select your name
– Scroll to the section labeled “Your Jurisdiction”

Precinct Dashboard

Use the Precinct Dashboard to identify your WCDP precinct officers, Area Coordinator, and Regional Vice Chair. It is best viewed on a desktop computer.

We're excited to keep you up to date on what the Wake County Democrats are doing! Click below to sign up for our bi-weekly updates.

Upcoming Events

Precinct 05-05 Monthly Meeting

January 18 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Monthly meeting for Precinct 05-05

Midtown and Umstead Area New Year’s Kickoff

January 18 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Come by Midtown and Umstead Area New Year’s Kickoff!

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 20 URL:

Inauguration Day

January 20
Notes: This holiday is designated as “Inauguration Day” in section 6103(c) of title 5 of...