PAM 2023

Precinct Annual Meetings – Feb 25 – Mar 11, 2023

What Is Precinct Organization?

Precinct organizing refers to the process of local Democratic communities establishing their voice within the Democratic Party. This process is guided by the NCDP Plan of Organization. The following page presents basic information you may need. If you have further questions, email

What are precinct annual meetings?

What’s Happening at 2023 Precinct Meetings?

These 2023 meetings are the first level of local Democratic Party organization. At this year’s meetings, each precinct will:

  • Elect officers to serve the precinct for a 2-year term.
  • Elect delegates to the county convention.
  • Consider platform resolutions.
  • Donate to the 2023 sustaining fund. Click here to donate.

Who can attend?

Only registered Democrats who live in the precinct are eligible to attend. All attendees are vetted.

If you are unsure of your affiliation or need to change your registration:

Check Your Status:

  • Use the NC State Board of Elections website to check your registration status, see your polling place, view your sample ballot, view your voting history, and see your voting districts
  • Follow this link to the NC State Board of Elections Voter Lookup Tool
  • Enter your name and click Search
  • Select your name

Update your registration:

  • Print and sign this completed form. Electronic or typed signatures are not acceptable.
  • Scan or photograph the form. The scan or photo must be legible.
  • E-mail the form to

What precinct am I in?

If you don’t know your precinct number, you can look it up here:

When are the meetings?

This year’s precinct annual meeting window is February 25 – March 11. Each of Wake County’s 208 precincts must hold a meeting during this time in order to be organized and have a voice at the county, district, and state levels. Check out our precinct meeting calendar to find out when your precinct is meeting.

Are this year’s meetings in-person or online?

All precincts will have a virtual option for people who want to attend digitally. Some precincts are meeting only virtually while others have an option for in-person attendance. Look at the precinct meeting calendar to find out this information for your precinct?

Why do precincts have to meet during this timeframe?

The Plan of Organization is the guiding document for the North Carolina Democratic Party. Section 1 of the Plan of Organization addresses precinct organizing. Section 1.05 grants the authority to the state party chair to select the window for precinct organizing. The time is set across the state so that all 2,655 precincts across North Carolina can meet at the same time to elect delegates to all 100 County Conventions (to be held April 15).

How do precincts fit into the Democratic Party?

Precinct organizing is just the first step in organizing the Democratic Party! At precinct meetings, attendees elect delegates to our county convention (April 15) where district convention delegates are elected. District conventions are May 20. Precinct meeting attendees can present resolutions (ideas of what our party should support) and vote on resolutions other precincts pass. These resolutions eventually can become part of the DNC platform. But it all starts with organizing and building community in your precinct!

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Upcoming Events

Garner Area Dems Meeting

January 25 @ 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Strategy meeting for Garner precinct officers. Open to all registered Democrats living in Wake Count...

Precinct 01-02 Monthly Meeting

January 27 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Monthly meeting for Precinct 01-02.