PAM 2023

Precinct Annual Meetings – Sustaining Funds

Thank you for contributing to the Wake County Democratic Party.

Please give as generously as you can. Your support allows us to work to elect Democratic candidates and move Democratic causes forward across our county. Together, we will keep winning in Wake!

This Sustaining Fund helps WCDP maintain things like:

  • Website, Zoom account, and other digital tools
  • Production of Poll Kits and other Precinct materials
  • Access to our database of voters
  • Staff, office space, and utilities
  • So much more!

We're excited to keep you up to date on what the Wake County Democrats are doing! Click below to sign up for our bi-weekly updates.

Upcoming Events

Lakes Area Social – 2nd Tuesday of every odd number months

January 14 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Join Lakes Area Democrats for conversation and camaraderie!