WCDP Convention

Candidates for WCDP Officer Positions


Candidates listed have notified WCDP of their official candidacy. Statements are published as provided by candidates.

This information is not an endorsement by Wake County Democratic Party; the Party is committed to complete impartiality in the 2023 WCDP Officers’ Elections and working to provide an equal and fair platform for each candidate.

In compliance with the Plan of Organization, nominations can also be made from the floor during the meeting – this list may not represent all candidates who will appear on ballots.

Candidates are listed alphabetically by last name. Ballots when voting will have names in random order for each election.

Want to learn more about these offices?

Click here to read descriptions of each position.
– Click here to RSVP for a live information sessions (3/22 or 3/28)

Candidate(s) for WCDP Chair:

Read more about the position by clicking HERE.


Candidate(s) for WCDP 1st Vice Chair:

Read more about the position by clicking HERE.


We're excited to keep you up to date on what the Wake County Democrats are doing! Click below to sign up for our bi-weekly updates.

Upcoming Events

WCDP Canvass in Glenwood!

July 27 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Join Wake Dems for a ‘Get Out The Organization’ canvass launch!

Precinct 10-05 @ Turf 01 (Eagles Crossing and Miles Dean subd.)

July 27 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Canvass for Precinct 10-05

Central Cary Coffee Social

July 27 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Join fellow neighbors in precincts 04-01, 04-04, 04-09, 04-10, 04-14, 04-15, 04-16, 04-19 and 04-20 ...

Swarm Turf 2

July 27 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let's get together and knock doors in Precinct 04-12 Turf 2!