WCDP Convention

Wake Dems County Convention – April 15, 2023

Wake Dems County Convention

The annual County Convention is one of the most important events for the Wake County Democratic Party. At this meeting delegates from each precinct in Wake County will gather to elect Wake Dems Executive Officers; elect delegates to Congressional District Conventions for Districts 2 and 13; elect other representatives to bodies like the State Executive Committee (SEC); and discuss and vote on Resolutions that were submitted during precinct organizing.

This is a business meeting, so be prepared at home with some extra drinks and snacks, and read up on the links here ahead of time so that we can get business done efficiently. Breaks will be built into the agenda.

This meeting will be Saturday, April 15th, Zoom doors open at 9:00am, business will begin at 10:30am (please arrive prior to 10:30, as all attendees must be admitted by our credentialing team process).

*Remember: pre-registration is required and due no later than 11:59pm APRIL 12 – no exceptions – and your pre-registration information must match what you use to log in.

**Proxies are not allowed at this meeting; you must attend to be counted.

Please remember that we will conduct important business and voting during this meeting, so voting members are delegates elected from organized precincts during 2023 precinct organizing.

Those who wish to attend as (non-voting) observers must be registered Wake County Democrats.

Those wishing to run for a position should sign up on our Candidate page in the Important Links section below. Please note, candidates may declare their candidacy during the Convention or ahead of time on our website (preferred).


Pre-Registration is required to attend this meeting.

The PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE for the 2023 Convention:

  • Observers must register by 11:59pm on APRIL 11 – no exceptions.
  • Delegates must register by 11:59pm APRIL 12 – no exceptions.

Zoom links will be provided after pre-registrations close and preparations are finalized.

Please register by clicking the button above or by clicking this link: https://forms.gle/rBFcsfJfY8NwYuQU7 (Coming Soon!)

Important Documents

County Convention by the Numbers – Informational Support Document (Coming Soon!)

Meeting Agenda (Coming Soon!)
– Screen reader/print friendly (Coming Soon!)

Special Rules (Coming Soon!)
– Screen reader/print friendly (Coming Soon!)

Previous Convention Minutes (Coming Soon!)
– Screen reader/print friendly (Coming Soon!)

Resolutions (Coming Soon!)
– Screen reader/print friendly (Coming Soon!)

Important Links

Declared Candidates for County Executive Officers and State Executive Committee Page

Candidate Declaration Forms:

Run for WCDP Executive Council
Run for SEC Seat
Run for CD2 Representative
Run for CD13 Representative

Want to learn more about these offices?

Click here to read descriptions of each position.
– Click here to RSVP for a live information sessions (3/22 or 3/28)

Support & Help

Office Hours

Do you have questions about the county convention? Join us for 1 of 2 office hours sessions to have your questions answered.

(Coming Soon!)

Support Request

Having a problem registering, declaring as a candidate, or do you need assistance with something else? Please fill out this support request and our team will reach out to you.

Click here to request help: (Coming Soon!)


You must register using the name on your voter registration.

Tech Help

Before the meeting make sure your computer or phone can access Zoom and is fully updated, or get a free Zoom download if you do not already have the program.

Click here for a Zoom Tech & Security Overview for this meeting. [Screen reader/print friendly version here] (Coming Soon!)

Zoom Technical Help and Information

Make sure you’re using the latest version of Zoom
Join a test meeting to make sure your setup works
View Zoom’s video tutorials

We're excited to keep you up to date on what the Wake County Democrats are doing! Click below to sign up for our bi-weekly updates.

Upcoming Events

Wake Senior Dems Monthly General Membership Meeting

November 13 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Join us monthly for a quick organizing event.

NE Wake Dems November Celebration Social

November 13 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
With the Election in the rear view mirror, it's time to celebrate our successes and congratulate our...

Precinct 01-23 Monthly Meet-up to Unleash Imagination

November 14 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Join with members of the Generativity Generation in Precinct 01-23 on Second Thursdays

3rd Vice Chair Weekly Office Hours

November 14 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Feel free to pop in and say hello, bring questions, ask for help, etc!