Garner Dems

Representing Precincts 15-02, 15-04, 16-01, 16-02, 16-03, 16-04, 16-05, 16-06, 16-07, 16-09, and 18-04 

Let’s Organize Precincts 15-04, 16-03, and 16-09

Precincts are the building blocks of the Democratic party. Currently, more than half of our Garner precincts are unorganized. Being organized means having a voice in the Wake County Democratic Party and greater opportunities to be engaged in activities that will help Democrats win in the November Election.

Help us organize precincts 15-04, 16-03, and 16-06 this summer. Regardless of where you live, attend our Garner Area Monthly Meeting on June 19th at 6pm to make phone calls to encourage voters in these three precincts to attend an organizing meeting on July 17th at 6pm.

If you live in 15-04, 16-04, or 16-06, help us make calls on June 19th and attend on July 17th to organize your precinct! Consider becoming a precinct officer to help plan events and represent your precinct at the county level.

If you have any questions, reach out to Garner Area Coordinator Christy Byrd at


What happens at the precinct meeting?

The precinct meetings will happen during the Garner Area Monthly Meeting. The Area Coordinator will give updates and send the precincts into breakout rooms. After introductions, each precinct will then determine if it has quorum (5 Democrats) to continue, and then will elect 3 precinct officers. That’s the end of the official business, but the group can stay together to plan strategy or events.

Who can attend?

Only registered Democrats who live in the precinct are eligible to attend. If you are unsure of your precinct number or your affiliation, follow the steps below to access the State Board of Elections Voter Lookup:

  • Click on this link
  • Enter your name and click Search
  • Select your name

To update your registration:

  • Print and sign this completed form. Electronic or typed signatures are not acceptable.
  • Scan or photograph the form. The scan or photo must be legible.
  • E-mail the form to

What are an officer’s responsibilities?

Precinct officers lead by working with the Area Coordinator and Regional Vice Chair to plan events for their precincts. They also can request information for voter outreach, and the chair and vice chair represent the precinct at County Executive Committee meetings.  Check out our Precinct Officer Handbook or talk with our Area Coordinator for more information on being an officer.

Attend our Monthly Meeting

The Garner Dems monthly meeting involves sharing updates from the county level and planning events across the area. Any registered Democrat or Democratic-leaning Unaffiliated voter is welcome to attend, including precinct officers and any current or new volunteers.

Our meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday at 6pm via Google Meet. See the full meeting schedule at this link.

If you have any questions or ideas, contact Garner Area Coordinator Christy Byrd at


Garner Mural

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Upcoming Events

WCDP Canvass in Glenwood!

July 27 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Join Wake Dems for a ‘Get Out The Organization’ canvass launch!

Precinct 10-05 @ Turf 01 (Eagles Crossing and Miles Dean subd.)

July 27 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Canvass for Precinct 10-05