This is the monthly business meeting of the WCDP Officer Board held on the 4th Monday of every month. Voting members receive the RSVP information directly via email. This is a business meeting, comments from guests may be limited to keep the meetings to a reasonable length. **This is not a full CEC meeting, Precinct […]
Bi-monthly planning meetings for the WCDP Executive Council. Open to registered Democrats living in Wake County. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact for the meeting link.
Show up, make friends, and change the world with your Dem neighbors!
Join us along with NC Senate Leader Sydney Batch as we take a look at the GOPs current power grabs happening in Raleigh!
Join Apex Dems for coffee on the first Saturday every month to find out what’s happening in the district, talk about issues, meet candidates, and more.
The government seems to be in chaos, but this is all part of a plan. Don't panic. Do something. Use this link to join me on Google Meet at 6pm on Feb 2nd to talk through 6 Things You Can Do Right Now, share your experiences, and do some things together. Hosted by Christy Byrd, […]
Wake County, municipal partners, along with the housing authorities, are seeking your input on housing opportunities and challenges in our community to help set housing goals for the next five years!
Wake County, municipal partners, along with the housing authorities, are seeking your input on housing opportunities and challenges in our community to help set housing goals for the next five years!
Wake County, municipal partners, along with the housing authorities, are seeking your input on housing opportunities and challenges in our community to help set housing goals for the next five years!
Wake County, municipal partners, along with the housing authorities, are seeking your input on housing opportunities and challenges in our community to help set housing goals for the next five years!
Wake County, municipal partners, along with the housing authorities, are seeking your input on housing opportunities and challenges in our community to help set housing goals for the next five years!
Calling all volunteers in Umstead Raleigh’s precinct 11-01 – it’s time to regroup and we need your ideas to help to plan activities for the new year!
Calling all volunteers in North Raleigh’s 01-51 - your precinct leadership wants your ideas to help to plan activities for the new year! Let’s regroup and find ways to re-engage and give back to our community. Stop by for a visit, at this open house style gathering, hosted by Precinct Chair Faye! (Exact location will […]
Calling all volunteers in North Raleigh’s 07-13 – it’s time to regroup and we need your ideas to help to plan activities for the new year! Let’s meet up and find ways to engage volunteers in supporting our Democratic institutions and elected officials, and give back to our community. Stop by for a visit, at […]
Bi-monthly planning meetings for the WCDP Executive Council. Open to registered Democrats living in Wake County. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact for the meeting link.
Good news! WCDP Precinct Annual Meetings (PAMs) are just around the corner! Join us for this “PAM Primer” so that you know what to expect to plan and conduct your precinct’s annual meeting -- and to help ensure your PAM is efficient, productive, and inspiring! This training will cover the purpose and key outputs of […]
Join us for social time with fellow Wake County Democrats.
Please join the Glenwood Area Democrats for a fun-filled evening of socializing and networking with fellow Democrats.
Meeting for precinct officers in the Holly Springs Area. Officers, please see your email for the meeting link. If you are a registered Democrat interested in attending this meeting, please contact
Join us for a monthly general membership meeting
Join us for our time-honored tradition: WCDP's 45th Annual Valentine's Day Celebration! Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6:00 PM NC State University Club, 4200 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27606 Purchase tickets today!
Meeting for precinct officers in the Holly Springs Area. Officers, please see your email for the meeting link. If you are a registered Democrat interested in attending this meeting, please contact
Join with members of the Generativity Generation in Precinct 01-23 on Second Thursdays
Join WCDP for a Virtual Phone Bank Saturday at 1:30pm! We'll start together on Zoom for a quick training before we split out into breakout rooms to make calls together. After making our calls, we'll reconvene to debrief as a group. We'll be calling other Democrats to invite them to get involved in 2025! No […]
Despite two recounts confirming Justice Riggs’ victory, certain political forces are now attempting to throw out votes and override the will of the people. We must take a stand and show that voter suppression has no place in North Carolina. Join Common Cause NC to help raise awareness about the effort to invalidate over 60,000 […]
Precinct 04-01 in Central Cary is hosting on Open House for new Democrat voters that registered during 2024.
Calling all volunteers in Umstead Raleigh’s 11-02 – it’s time to regroup and we need your ideas to help to plan activities for the new year!
Good news! WCDP Precinct Annual Meetings (PAMs) are just around the corner! Join us for this “PAM Primer” so that you know what to expect to plan and conduct your precinct’s annual meeting -- and to help ensure your PAM is efficient, productive, and inspiring! This training will cover the purpose and key outputs of […]
Notes: This holiday is designated as "Washington's Birthday" in section 6103(a) of title 5 of the United States Code, which is the law that specifies holidays for Federal employees. Though other institutions such as state and local governments and private businesses may use other names, it is our policy to always refer to holidays by […]
Join the growing opposition against Griffin's challenges, raise your voice at rallies happening across the state, and let's build a pro-democracy movement.
Good news! WCDP Precinct Annual Meetings (PAMs) are just around the corner! Join us for this “PAM Primer” so that you know what to expect to plan and conduct your precinct’s annual meeting -- and to help ensure your PAM is efficient, productive, and inspiring! This training will cover the purpose and key outputs of […]
Join WCDP for a Virtual Phone Bank Tuesday at 6pm! We'll start together on Zoom for a quick training before we split out into breakout rooms to make calls together. After making our calls, we'll reconvene to debrief as a group. We'll be calling other Democrats to invite them to get involved in 2025! No […]
The Young Democrats of Wake County, The Progressive Democrats of Wake County, and The LGBTQ+ Democrats of Wake County are hosting a forum for the candidates running NCDP offices. When: Tuesday February 18th 7-8 pm Where: NCDP Headquarters @ Goodwin House
Let's meet our neighbors and talk about how to stay engaged as a community.
Inviting all Wake Dem volunteers and potential volunteers in South Cary’s Precinct 04-07 – for Brunch to share information and ideas that will help us plan activities for 2025 and beyond!
This is the monthly business meeting of the WCDP Officer Board held on the 4th Monday of every month. Voting members receive the RSVP information directly via email. This is a business meeting, comments from guests may be limited to keep the meetings to a reasonable length. **This is not a full CEC meeting, Precinct […]
Bi-monthly planning meetings for the WCDP Executive Council. Open to registered Democrats living in Wake County. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact for the meeting link.
Join Democrats of Downtown North (Raleigh)* to connect with like-minded neighbors for meaningful conversation and connection. Share your ideas, support one another and our community, hear from elected officials able to join us and learn how you can take action. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect. *Downtown North Area precincts are 01-03, […]
Join WCDP for a Virtual Phone Bank Tuesday at 6pm! We'll start together on Zoom for a quick training before we split out into breakout rooms to make calls together. After making our calls, we'll reconvene to debrief as a group. We'll be calling other Democrats to invite them to get involved in 2025! No […]
Hosted by the Capital Forest Area Democrats, you are invited to join our upcoming Issues & Actions Social with Democrats of Capital Forest Area. A recurring casual gathering, we’ll connect with like-minded neighbors over shared values and have meaningful conversations about the issues that matter most to us as Democrats.
Good news! WCDP Precinct Annual Meetings (PAMs) are just around the corner! Join us for this “PAM Primer” so that you know what to expect to plan and conduct your precinct’s annual meeting -- and to help ensure your PAM is efficient, productive, and inspiring! This training will cover the purpose and key outputs of […]
Join Apex Dems for coffee on the first Saturday every month to find out what’s happening in the district, talk about issues, meet candidates, and more.
Registered Democrats in Central Cary are welcomed to this social in a local Cary coffee shop---enjoy our hosted breakfast sweets. Learn about what our Wake County Democratic Party does.
Apex Dems have adopted the 1.56-mile stretch of South Salem Street between Salem Creek Drive and 540. We hope you can join us for a fun afternoon of community service!